Day 12/100 - How I increased the performance of my website?

Day 12/100 - How I increased the performance of my website?

Personal portfolio site home page done βœ…


1 min read

Good day πŸŒ…β˜ΊοΈ

It's Day 12 of #100DaysOfCode. I worked on making my personal portfolio site very responsive on all screens, the font sizes eligible, and the performance better. And I'm very happy for that.

These are the ways I increased the performance of my website πŸ‘‡

  • Got rid of animations

  • Wrote less JavaScript

  • Paid attention to the meta data

  • Removed unnecessary CSS features

There are still tons of things to do to make the performance better, which include - compressing images' sizes to limit the load time, and others.

Responsiveness and speed of applications matter alot. An app that displays beautifully when loading, won't be considered if it's slow.

Another challenge I faced was media queries. All I have to say for anyone that's writing vanilla CSS is learn how to use CSS variables. It saves time and a lot of stress, and make sure media queries are only written when necessary. But, of course, an application shouldn't be limited to some screen sizes 😜.