Day 20 and 21 / 100

Day 20 and 21 / 100

Good day ⛅

Today is day 21 of #100DaysOfCode. I'm sorry I didn't get to post yesterday.

First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to the Almighty for granting me the chance to complete the initial 20 days of #100DaysOfCode. I pray for the capability not only to complete this challenge but also to achieve significant milestones from it 🙏

I started yesterday with my exploration into system design, and I must admit it was a valuable experience. During the evening, I dedicated my time to restructuring the database system for the project we are developing at my current startup.

Today, I embarked on my journey to learn system design and delved into the CS50 tutorial. I covered topics such as printing messages to the terminal, utilizing if-else statements for comparisons, and exploring the concept of loops.

Tonight, I proceeded with restructuring the database diagrams for the project I'm developing at my current startup.

Thanks for reading 🙏. God bless 🙏.