Day 32 - 35 of 100DaysOfCode challenge

Day 32 - 35 of 100DaysOfCode challenge


2 min read

Good day ๐Ÿ‘‹

Apologies for my absence recently; I've been dealing with intermittent power outages, which have disrupted my work schedule. In fact, the first two days back were particularly challenging due to these issues.

Without further ado, I will give the full details on what I did.

I'm now the team's code reviewer. Even though it doesn't come with extra pay, I'm thrilled because it makes me more valuable to the team and myself.

On Day 32 and 33, I drafted the week's target for the backend team and drafted workflows for registration of schools, acceptance of school's application by the team, and email verification.

On Day 34, I drafted workflows for forgot password, verify OTP and reset password. I reviewed the codes and did thorough testing. With the aid of the newly-drafted design, I was able to detect a loophole in the codes, in which I rectified, updated the documentation and deployed the latest version of the API.

0n Days 35, I drafted workflows for updating school's information, and updated and tested the code thoroughly.

I'm not done though, because I think schools should be notified when such happens, and should be able to revert the changes and update their passwords if the updates are not done by them.

We go again tomorrow โœŒ๏ธ

Please I am open to corrections, reach out to me on twitter.
