Day 56 - Creating and Updating Models on Prisma + MySQL in AdonisJs

Day 56 - Creating and Updating Models on Prisma + MySQL in AdonisJs

Today marks Day 56 of #100DaysOfCode.

In this article, I’ll walk through how you can create and update database models using Prisma ORM in an AdonisJS application with a MySQL database.

Before proceeding, ensure that your AdonisJS project is set up and connected to your MySQL database using Prisma ORM. If you haven’t done this yet, refer to my previous article for a detailed guide.

Creating a Model in Prisma

To begin, let's build a basic User model that stores data about the users in your application.

  1. Define the Model: In prisma/schema.prisma, define a User model as follows:

     model User {
       id        Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
       email     String   @unique
       name      String
       createdAt DateTime @default(now())
    • id: A unique integer that automatically increments.

    • email: A unique string to store the user’s email.

    • name: A string to store the user’s name.

    • createdAt: A DateTime field that automatically records when the user was created.

  2. Run Prisma Migrations: After defining your model, build the matching table in your MySQL database by executing the following command:

     npx prisma migrate dev --name init

    This will create a migration file, apply the changes to your database and also creates/updates the Prisma client with the latest schema, so the new or modified fields and models are available for use in your code.

Updating a Model

Now, let’s add more fields like firstname, lastname, password, and phone to the User model:

  1. Update the Prisma Model: In prisma/schema.prisma, change the User model:

     model User {
       id        Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
       email     String   @unique
       name      String
       firstname String
       lastname  String
       password  String
       phone     String?  // Optional field
       createdAt DateTime @default(now())
    • firstname: The user's first name.

    • lastname: The user's last name.

    • password: A string to store the password.

    • phone: An optional string for the user’s phone number (indicated by the ?).

  2. Generate a New Migration: After editing the model, create a new migration to update the database schema:

     npx prisma migrate dev --name <migration name>

    Replace <migration-name> with a descriptive name (e.g add_user_fields) for the migration.

    This will apply the changes to your MySQL database, add the new fields and also updates the Prisma client with the latest schema, so the new fields are available for use in your code.

By following these steps, you will be able to create and update database models using Prisma ORM in an AdonisJS application with a MySQL database.

By following these steps, you should now be able to create and update database models using Prisma ORM within an AdonisJS application backed by a MySQL database.

In the next article, I’ll guide you through creating an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) using, and demonstrate how to establish relationships between models in AdonisJS.

Watch out!. Thanks 🙏🏿